Crane Lake In Minnesota – Entry to Voyageurs National Park Entry

Crane Lake is the southern Gateway to Voyageurs National Park (VNP), the western entry to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA), Quetico Provincial Park wheresightseeing and wildlife abound, and also shares a border with SuperiorNational Forest. It isinterconnected and affords access to all the lakes within VNP as well as an entryway into Canada. There are 100 miles of border lakes: Sand Point, Namakan, Kabetogama, Rainy, Little Vermilion, Loon, and Lac La Croix.

As you plan your visit to Crane Lake, click on the Crane Lake News and Events to see what’s going on while you’re here.
Click Here for Crane Lake News & Events
There are many miles of ATV trails in the forests between Cook, Lake Vermillion, Crane Lake, Elephant Lake, Myrtle Lake, Pelican Lake, and Orr.
Voyageur Country ATV
Voyageur Country ATV offers a generous opportunity for everyone to enjoy the Voyageur Country’s ATV trail system. There are many miles of trails between Cook, Lake Vermillion, Crane Lake, Elephant Lake, Myrtle Lake, Pelican Lake, and Orr. If you would like more information, please visit them on Facebook.

Hike, swim, and view nature in this wilderness region, boat to the historic Kettle Falls Hotel, or golf at a nearby 9-hole course. Fly-in fishing, canoe outfitters, guide services, bait and tackle shops, grocery sales, and marine sales and service are also available.

From the resort, you can see Canada which is less than 3 miles away. The lake is approximately 3,000 acres with a length of around 5 miles and width of 4 miles. Gorgeous Crane Lake offers walleye, smallmouth bass, and crappie fishing. You’ll find excellent fishing spots all within a close distance by boat from the resort, and for the young anglers, all types of fish can be caught from the dock.
Scott’s Peaceful Valley resort is located within walking distance to restaurants, lounges, gift shops, convenience stores, our post office, and a nondenominational church. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find it here!